Dr. Emy Ezura Bt. A. Jalil
School of Technology Management and Logistics, College of Business, University of Utara Malaysia, Malaysia
Emy E A Jalil is a senior lecturer and a secretariat for Living Campus 2.0 focusing on Sustainable Campus Eco-System. She was a Director of Technology and Supply Chain Excellence Institute in School of Technology and Logistics Management, University of Utara Malaysia. She earned B. Science of Business. in Business Administration with Cum Laude from Oklahoma City University, USA and graduated her Masters in Logistics Management from the Sydney University, Australia and gained her doctoral degree in Management from University of Hull, UK. Currently, Dr A Jalil is a Chief-Managing Editor for Journal of Technology and Operation Management. She has published journal articles and conference papers. Dr A Jalil had two on-going types of research funded by the Ministry of Education, Malaysia and completed three national research projects. Her research interests include logistics and supply chain that scope into Islamic practices in SC, urbanization, humanitarian, modern-day slavery, sustainability. She is a member of IEOM, CILT, ISWA and MLog.