Prof. Andry Sedelnikov
Samara National Research University, Russia
Education and work
In 1994, he graduated from the Air- and spacecraft Department of the Samara State Aerospace University (specialty 5.5 years of study 1988-1994) with a degree in spacecraft and upper stages.
In the period 1994-1998 he studied at graduate school at the Department of Theoretical Mechanics of Samara State Aerospace University.
In 1998 he defended Ph. D (physics and mathematics) “Model and methodology for determining the microaccelerations level on board a spacecraft with elastic structural elements” with a degree in Theoretical Mechanics at Samara State Aerospace University.
In the period 2011–2015 he studied in doctoral studies at the Department of Design of Air- and spacecraft Engines of Samara State Aerospace University.
In 2015 he defended his doctoral dissertation (technical sciences) “Development of a comprehensive method for monitoring and evaluating microaccelerations on board a spacecraft” with a degree in “Monitoring and testing of aircraft and their systems” at Omsk State Technical University.
Currently working:
Department of Space Engineering, Samara National Research University - Professor;
Department of Theoretical Mechanics, Samara National Research University - Professor;
Department of Flight Dynamics and Control Systems, Samara National Research University - Professor;
Department of Higher Mathematics, Samara National Research University - Professor;
Research Laboratory of Automated Research Systems - Leading Researcher.