Prof. Rongchun Zhang
Beihang University, China
Title: Mixing characteristics of the mixing-enhanced flame stabilizer with gaseous fuel injection
Compared to using traditional liquid fuels, using gas fuels such as methane
and hydrogen can significantly reduce environmental pollution caused by thermal
power devices. The mixing process of gaseous fuel and air is a key factor
affecting the overall performance and structural compactness of the device. We
studied the mixing process of gaseous fuel and air in a transverse jet and
explored methods that can be used to enhance the mixing process. A mixing
enhancement mechanism for a transverse jet of gaseous fuel in which a rib is
added in front of the jet has been explored. The schlieren technique is used to
visualize the flow field of the gaseous fuel jet. The results of flow
experiment show that the penetration depth and mixing performance of the
gaseous fuel jet are improved by the rib in front of the jet. In addition, the
flow mechanism of tandem twin jets in crossflow has also been analyzed,
including the interaction mechanism between the front and rear jets of gaseous
Rongchun Zhang has been Associate Professor of Aeroengine Research Institute at Beihang University in China. His research focuses on the flow and ultra-compact combustion of gas turbine engines. His expertise is in the flow mechanism analysis and coupling mechanism analysis of flow and combustion in combustion zone, which is applied to the design of gas turbine combustor. He has supervised over 10 PhD and Master students. He has chaired more than 10 projects, including 2 projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China. He has published more than 50 SCI and EI papers.