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Prof.  Laishram Shantikumar  Singh
Assam down town University,  India




Dr. Laishram Shantikumar Singh earned his graduate and post graduate degree in Microbiology from Bangalore University, Bangaluru, India and PhD degree in Microbial Biotechnology from Dibrugarh University, India through research work at CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat, Assam, India. Currently he is serving as Associate Professor, Program of Microbiology, Assam down town University, Guwahati, Assam, India. Prior to this Dr. Laishram worked as Scientist senior grade at Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development, Sikkim Centre, DBT, Govt. of India, Gangtok, Sikkim, India. His current research focused on Microbial diversity, bioprospecting, biofertilizer technology, for sustainable utilization in the area of agriculture and industrial sectors, antimicrobial agents and fight against pathogens/opportunistic pathogens, endophyte ecology, plant endophytes relation. He has worked on many governments funded projects. Presently he is working as PI of two government funded projects, one funded by DBT and another by DST, Govt. of India. He has received awards and recognitions for his academic and research achievements, including Group Technology Award 2009 given by DRL, DRDO. He has been awarded JRF and SRF during his PhD work. After doctoral research, he has worked in the University School of Biotechnology, GGSIP University, Delhi. He has also worked in other corporate R & D sectors of Tata Tea Research Centre in APPL, Teok, Jorhat, Assam. He had served as lecturer in NFG College, Bangalore University and visiting faculty in CAEPHT, CAU, Gangtok. He has published 31 research papers in National and International Journal of repute, 02 book chapters and one book. He has presented 36 research articles in many National and International conferences. He has submitted 24 research data in NBCI Genbank database. He has guided 42 M.Sc. dissertation work and presently guiding 5 PhD scholars.

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