Prof. Gul Zaman
Department of Mathematics, Malakand University, Pakistan
Title: Mathematical Modelling and Control of Multiple Infectious Diseases
We developed a multiple infectious model represents the co-infection of Dengue, Ebola
and Malaria. The model's qualitative behaviors, such as the solution's positivity, exis-
tence, points of equilibrium, reproduction number, and sensitivity analysis are investi-
gated. We show that if the basic reproduction number is maintained at less than one,
the disease-free equilibrium of multiple infectious is locally asymptotically stable. We
also show that single infected individual is easily exposed to other co-infection in the
community. Sensitivity analysis is used to determine how each parameter aects the
spread or control of the illnesses. Utilizing a numerical simulation, the consequences of
treating patients who are co-infected, only infected with Malaria, or just infected with
Dengue have been determined. Similarly the only infected in Ebola with Dengue and
Malaria are also presented. The framework for world stability has been built. In order to
eectively combat Dengue, Malaria, Ebola and their co-infection in the community, it is
important to increase the pace of recovery and decrease the contact rate of these diseases.
Keywords: Multiple Infection, Malaria, Dengue, Ebola, Stability Analysis, Sensitivity
Analysis, Control Theory
Gul Zaman is a Professor in the Department of Mathematics at University of
Malakand KP, Pakistan, where he has been since 2010. From 2013 to 2017 he served
as Department Chair. From 2012 to 2014 he served as Chief Proctor. During 2008-
20010 he was Assistant Professor at National University of Science and Technology
(NUST) Islamabad, and in 2000-2008 he was Research Associate and Lecturer in
South Korea. He received a B.Sc. from University of Peshawar in 1994, and an M.Sc.
from the Gomal University DIKhan. He received his M.S. from Konkuk University
South Korea in 2006 and Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from the Pusan National
University, South Korea in 2008.
His research interests span both modelling and analysis of real world problems.
Much of his work has been on improving the developing of mathematical modelling,
stability analysis, and controllability of communicable diseases and biomechanics.
He has developed several control strategies for Dengue, Smoking, Ebola, Malaria
and COVID19 to minimize the spread of infectious diseases in the Community. He
has also investigated certain biological parameters used in the epidemic models. In
addition he has made numerous contributions in dierent research groups and won
Best Teacher Award 2011 from HEC, Research Productivity Award (RPA) 2012,
2013, and 2015 from Pakistan Council for Science and Technology (PCST), Best
Teacher Award from NUST Islamabad.
Professor Gul Zaman is the author of one book, three chapters and 220 per review
articles in dierent journals. He holds one patents deriving from his research. As of
2023, Google Scholar reports over 3900 citations to his work. He has given numerous
invited talks and lectures and organizing several conferences and seminars.
Between 2017 and 2021 Prof. Gul Zaman worked as Vice Chancellor University
of Malakand, where I led numerous achievements especially in strengthening the
academic, nancial management, and ranking of the university.