Prof. Lan Yang
Department of Curriculum and Instruction,The Education University of Hong Kong, China
Title: Feedback and Emotion: Assessing the Impact of Chinese Students’ Feedback Perceptions on Learning-related Emotions from a Control-Value Perspective
The academic power of feedback in affecting student achievement has been evident in Hattie’s
(2009, 2017) influential synthesis studies. Based on 80,000 independent studies, Hattie (2017)
found feedback has a high effect size of .70 in affecting student achievement. However, the
relationship between feedback and achievement might not be linear. As Hattie (2018) commented
feedback is powerful, but it is also variable. In search of the underlying mechanisms of feedback
in influencing student achievement, the emotional power of feedback remains under-researched
(Yang, 2019). By incorporating feedback research and control-value theory of achievement
emotions, this study is the first to examine students’ control-value appraisal of teacher feedback
received in learning processes and eight learning-related emotions in China. Participants were
1539 grades 7 to 9 Chinese students. The results showed students’ perceived usefulness of
feedback (value) was a significantly positive predictor of positive learning-related emotions,
whereas significantly negative predictor of negative learning-related emotions. Specifically, this
pattern was consistent across discrete positive emotions (i.e., enjoyment, hope, pride) and negative
emotions (i.e., anger, anxiety, boredom, shame, and hopelessness). Comparatively, feedback selfefficacy (control) was also a significantly positive predictor of positive learning-related
achievement emotions, but its predictive effect was weaker than that of feedback usefulness.
Theoretical and practical implications to not only assessment for learning (AfL), but also
assessment as learning (AaL) are discussed.
Keywords: AfL, AaL, feedback perceptions, learning-related emotions, the Control-Value model
Dr. Lan Yang (Joy) is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction (C&I). She is co-director of Centre for Special Educational Needs and Inclusive Education at The Education University of Hong Kong and core team member of the Key Research Area on Assessment Research into Enhancing Learning and Teaching at the Department of C&I. She obtained her PhD from The University of Hong Kong and her doctoral dissertation on a longitudinal intervention on promoting Chinese students’ academic self-concept and academic achievement was awarded the "Highly Commended Dissertation Award" by the Global SELF Research Network (2012). She is the Principal Investigator (PI)/co-PI/Co-I of over 12 research projects (including extremely competitive external funds like Early Career Scheme fund, General Research Funds awarded by University Grants Committee, Hong Kong SAR). She has over 60 publications (including SSCI journal articles, chapters and refereed conference papers) in the fields of educational psychology as well as inclusive education. She is also primary and co-supervisor of PhD and EdD students.
Her publications have appeared in top-ranked SSCI journals, such as Educational Psychology, Journal of Educational Technology & Society, The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, International Journal of Disability, and International Journal of Inclusive Education. Most recently, Dr. Yang received the “Best Paper Award” issued by The Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research (HKERA) for her paper entitled: Perceived usefulness of teacher feedback, school engagement, and psychological well-being of Chinese students: The self-system processes perspective. For details please visit https://www.eduhk.hk/ci/en/highlights.php?id=4201&s=news_event
According to HKERA, high scoring papers signpost originality, rigour and significance. For details please visit https://www.eduhk.hk/ci/en/highlights.php?id=4201&s=news_event
Currently, she is the chief editor of a special issue on the Power of Teacher Feedback in Affecting Student Learning and Achievement: Insights from Students’ Perspective in Educational Psychology (SSCI journal, forthcoming, 2019). For more details of Dr. Joy Yang’s work, please visit https://oraas0.ied.edu.hk/rich/web/people_details.jsp?pid=152193