Università di Catania, Italy
Her name is in the list Top Italian Scientists of VIA-Academy, where
Italian University Professors of greater impact in the world, that are in the
list of the Ministry of University and Research (MIUR), are registered.
Born June 18th 1966, degree in Mathematics on july 12th 1988, 110/110
cum laude.
-In 1989 she become Teaching Assistant in Mathematical Analysis in
Faculty of Engineering of Catania University. In january 1990 she supports
the entrance examination to the doctoral program Research in Mathematics,
V cycle, at Catania University, resulting among the winners.
-In december 1992 she win a competition exam for Assistant Professor
of Mathematical Analysis in Catania University.
- In june 18th 2012 PhD in Mathematics in Lule˚a University (Sweden).
- In january 2000 she win a competition exam for Associate Professor
of Mathematical Analysis in Catania.
- In june 2013 she obtained the national scientific qualification for Full
Professor of Mathematical Analysis.
- In october 2017 she becomes Full Professor of Mathematical Analysis
in Catania University.
Is member of the international association ”Women in Mathematics”.
Winner of the ”Una Tantum” of Catania University, incentive award for
academic and scientific merit.